Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Fri Jan 11 10:38:31 PST 2008
"Jaison J. González Chaux" <g0chman at> writes:
> Thank you very much Mr. Browne for answering me back, I changed the script to this,
>               cluster name=Cluster_10;
>               init cluster (id=1, comment='Nodo maestro');
>               create set (id=1, origin=1, comment='aqui van todas mis tablas');
>               set add table (set id=1, origin=1, id=1, fully qualified name=' public.Personas', comment='tabla de Personas del Cluster_1');
>               #set add table (set id=1, origin=1, id=2, fully qualified name='public.Personas', comment='tabla de Personas del Cluster_2');
>               #set add table (set id=1, origin=1, id=3, fully qualified name='public.Personas', comment='tabla de Personas del Cluster_3');
>               store node (id=2, comment='Nodo esclavo Cluster_2');
>               store node (id=3, comment='Nodo esclavo Cluster_3');
>               store path (server=1, client=2, conninfo='dbname=DB_Cluster_1 host= user=root password=root port=5435');
>               store path (server=1, client=3, conninfo='dbname=DB_Cluster_1 host= user=root password=root port=5435');
>               store path (server=2, client=1, conninfo='dbname=DB_Cluster_2 host= user=root password=root port=5436');
>               store path (server=2, client=3, conninfo='dbname=DB_Cluster_2 host= user=root password=root port=5436');
>               store path (server=3, client=1, conninfo='dbname=DB_Cluster_3 host= user=root password=root port=5437');
>               store path (server=3, client=2, conninfo='dbname=DB_Cluster_3 host= user=root password=root port=5437');
>               store listen (origin=1, provider=1, receiver=2);
>               store listen (origin=1, provider=1, receiver=3);
>               store listen (origin=2, provider=2, receiver=1);
>               store listen (origin=2, provider=2, receiver=3);
>               store listen (origin=3, provider=3, receiver=1);
>               store listen (origin=3, provider=3, receiver=2);

The "store listen" requests are pretty unnecessary, as Slony-I will
normally ignore those and generate the entries *it* thinks should be
in the table "sl_listen".

> but even so now I get a new error message
>               C:\Archivos de programa\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin>slonik config.conf
>               config.conf:36: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select "_Cluster_14".determineIdxnameUnique('public.Personas', NULL); 
>               - ERROR: Slony-I: determineIdxnameUnique(): table " public"."Personas" not found

There's an extra space in there, which is probably causing this problem:

   set add table (set id=1, origin=1, id=1, fully qualified name=' public.Personas', comment='tabla de Personas del Cluster_1');
                                                                  ^---- whitespace right here...

That looks like the problem to me.
(format nil "~S@~S" "cbbrowne" "")
Rules of the Evil Overlord #177.  "If a scientist with a beautiful and
unmarried  daughter  refuses to  work  for me,  I  will  not hold  her
hostage. Instead, I  will offer to pay for her  future wedding and her
children's college tuition." <>

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