Jaison J. González Chaux g0chman at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 01:27:54 PST 2008

Thank you very much Mr. Browne for answering me back, I changed the script
to this,

cluster name=3DCluster_10;

init cluster (id=3D1, comment=3D'Nodo maestro');

create set (id=3D1, origin=3D1, comment=3D'aqui van todas mis tablas');

set add table (set id=3D1, origin=3D1, id=3D1, fully qualified name=3D'
public.Personas', comment=3D'tabla de Personas del Cluster_1');
#set add table (set id=3D1, origin=3D1, id=3D2, fully qualified name=3D'
public.Personas', comment=3D'tabla de Personas del Cluster_2');
#set add table (set id=3D1, origin=3D1, id=3D3, fully qualified name=3D'
public.Personas', comment=3D'tabla de Personas del Cluster_3');

store node (id=3D2, comment=3D'Nodo esclavo Cluster_2');
store node (id=3D3, comment=3D'Nodo esclavo Cluster_3');

store path (server=3D1, client=3D2, conninfo=3D'dbname=3DDB_Cluster_1
host=3D127.0.0.1user=3Droot password=3Droot port=3D5435');
store path (server=3D1, client=3D3, conninfo=3D'dbname=3DDB_Cluster_1
host=3D127.0.0.1user=3Droot password=3Droot port=3D5435');
store path (server=3D2, client=3D1, conninfo=3D'dbname=3DDB_Cluster_2
host=3D127.0.0.1user=3Droot password=3Droot port=3D5436');
store path (server=3D2, client=3D3, conninfo=3D'dbname=3DDB_Cluster_2
host=3D127.0.0.1user=3Droot password=3Droot port=3D5436');
store path (server=3D3, client=3D1, conninfo=3D'dbname=3DDB_Cluster_3
host=3D127.0.0.1user=3Droot password=3Droot port=3D5437');
store path (server=3D3, client=3D2, conninfo=3D'dbname=3DDB_Cluster_3
host=3D127.0.0.1user=3Droot password=3Droot port=3D5437');

store listen (origin=3D1, provider=3D1, receiver=3D2);
store listen (origin=3D1, provider=3D1, receiver=3D3);
store listen (origin=3D2, provider=3D2, receiver=3D1);
store listen (origin=3D2, provider=3D2, receiver=3D3);
store listen (origin=3D3, provider=3D3, receiver=3D1);
store listen (origin=3D3, provider=3D3, receiver=3D2);

but even so now I get a new error message

C:\Archivos de programa\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin>slonik config.conf
config.conf:36: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select
"_Cluster_14".determineIdxnameUnique('public.Personas', NULL);
- ERROR:  Slony-I: determineIdxnameUnique(): table " public"."Personas" not

So I look out in google and put "Slony-I: determineIdxnameUnique():", and
found this <
, FUNCTION determineIdxnameUnique (tab_fqname, indexname) Given a tablename,
tab_fqname, check that the unique index, indexname, exists or return the
primary key index name for the table. If there is no unique index, it raises
an exception.

I am not sure of which index key does it talk, if it is of the databases
form the clusters, all of them have their owns, I will add to this post the
databases (all of them =96DB_Cluster_1, DB_Cluster_2 and DB_Cluster_3- has =
same) struct

-- Table: "Personas"

-- DROP TABLE "Personas";

  "Id" integer NOT NULL,
  nom1 "char",
  nom2 "char",
  apel1 "char",
  apel2 "char",
  CONSTRAINT "Personas_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("Id")
ALTER TABLE "Personas" OWNER TO root;

 I do really appreciate any help or guidance.

Jaison J. Gonz=3DE1lez Chaux
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