Jan Wieck JanWieck at Yahoo.com
Sat Apr 5 15:10:58 PDT 2008
On 4/4/2008 11:35 PM, Craig James wrote:
> Calling my carefully-worded critique a "rant" is hardly the way a computer scientist should treat a fellow computer scientists who is offering his time and experience to give your project his expert advice.

>> It simply doesn't get the job done reliably.

>> It's clear to me that Slony's developers are focused on features, and have not 
>> paid enough attention to the user experience.

>> * Slony's configuration is like programming in FORTRAN or assembly language in 
>> 1966.

>> Slony is like a really fast race car.  The drivers are justifiably proud that it 
>> is a very fine machine, that their machine is REALLY fast.  But if you want to 
>> get to the grocery store, you're better off to take the family car, or even a 
>> horse and buggy, because if you take the race car to the grocery store, you may 
>> be hungry several times each week.

If that is what you call "carefully worded critique", then I wonder what 
you would actually call a rant.


Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither
liberty nor security. -- Benjamin Franklin

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