Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Wed Feb 23 22:09:26 PST 2005
Rod Taylor wrote:

>On Wed, 2005-02-23 at 00:40 -0500, Christopher Browne wrote:
>>We know that if there are old idle-in-transaction transactions lying
>>around, we won't get any useful results out of a VACUUM.
>>A thought, therefore, is that the cleanup thread might take a peek to
>>see if there is such a transaction that has been running since the
>>_last_ cleanup cycle.  If that is the case, there's no point to
>>VACUUMing any of the Slony-I tables as NONE of the tuples killed since
>>the last cycle will get cleaned out.  It would be a good idea to
>>report this in the log, perhaps even reporting an "offending" PID.
>Skip the reporting (or make it optional). It's probably a pg_dump run or
I don't mean here "raise an event; page someone in the middle of the night".

Just the notion of "put a line in the log."

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