John Sidney-Woollett johnsw
Thu Aug 11 15:18:36 PDT 2005
Apologies for sending this again, but I don't think that it made it to 
the list first time as I wasn't subscribed...

I'm using Postgres 7.4.6 and slony 1.0.5, and I want to upgrade to a
newer slony - should I be using 1.0.6 or 1.1.0?

What are the differences between them? We've had a few issues with
switching over using 1.0.5 and I'd like to use a new version if
possible. Also, defining listening paths with more than two nodes is a
total pain... I think this problem goes away in 1.1.1?

Here's a little background...

This morning our main database (master node, #1) ran out of disk space.
We have two slaves (nodes #2 and #3) in the same cluster.

We restarted the pg db at node #1 (pg had shut itself down), and issued
a move set command to make node #2 the new master - the move looked like
it worked OK. We had all clients disconnected before we did this. When
we restarted our application against node #2, *some* (not sure how many)
tables were still locked (most were not). We got this error, for example
in our webapp logs:

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: Slony-I: Table wsexchrate is
replicated and cannot be modified on a subscriber node

Because we were being rushed to get node #2 online, we used a slonik
uninstall script to remove the replication cluster altogether. This
seems to have worked and released all the tables in node 2, which has
become our live database.

Now that things are a little calmer, we want to recreate a clean (schema
only) node #1, define a new relication cluster and start relicating from
node #2 (master) to node #1 (slave) to rebuild the data there.

Once that is done, we want to make node #1 the master again, and node #2
the slave. We are retiring node #3 so that's not a factor anymore.

We have lots of cron scripts that run against the master database and we
want to get node #1 up as the master as soon as poss, rather than
recreating the same scripts on node #2.


1) We want the lastest version of Slony - should we use 1.0.6 or 1.1.0
for pg 7.4.x?

2) If we can use either, which is easier to administer and setup?

3) After we restart the replication how can we tell whether node #1 has
caught up with node #2?

4) What do we need to do to get a clean switch over using move set when
making node #1 the master again? Does our web application have to be
disconnected from the db?

Thanks for any help, anyone.


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