Mon Oct 14 2024 00:14:10 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
166 Slony-I core scr slony1-bugs NEW --- Provide a way of counting the number of outstanding operations in a sync 2010-11-17
168 Slony-I core scr slony1-bugs NEW --- shared/slon.conf-example install issues 2010-12-02
169 Slony-I core scr slony1-bugs NEW --- Add common representation for administrative DB connections 2010-12-03
184 Slony-I core scr slony1-bugs NEW --- Set search_path for most/all Slony functions? 2010-12-09
203 Slony-I core scr slony1-bugs NEW --- Use of "name" type conflicts with pg_upgrade 2011-07-22
243 Slony-I core scr slony1-bugs NEW --- Health Checks for foreign keys 2011-10-05
80 Slony-I core scr jan ASSI --- slon daemon restarts itself in a loop after failover() 2010-09-02
176 Slony-I core scr cbbrowne ASSI --- Cluster Analysis Tool 2011-12-16
364 Slony-I core scr jan ASSI --- Config option --with-pgport is broken on Linux 2016-08-21
9 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "core scripts" component of the "Slony-I" product