Steve Singer steve at
Thu Jan 21 08:50:23 PST 2016
On 01/21/2016 10:42 AM, Frank McGeough wrote:
> I’m having intermittent issues that result in the message "duplicate key value violates unique constraint” in the slony logs. Here is my configuration :
> 1 master
> 2 slaves
> postgresql 9.3.5 on all servers
> slony2.2.2
> All the servers are in the same network and running the same Linux o/s with the same file system. The issues just seem to happen randomly. They happen primarily on one table but have occurred on two different tables up to this point (the tables are logically related in the database - one is populated by events on the other one, the one that has most of the issues is the one with the trigger on it that populates the other table). When the error occurs it may occur on one slave or the other. Once on both.
> These incidents have happened 6 times in the past week. Prior to this issue we’ve been running the same setup for many months without incident.
> What I do to correct this is to actually remove the entry that is causing the duplicate key issue from the sl_log table. Replication picks back up again. When I compare the rows on all servers I see that they are the same. In all cases when the servers are back in sync the row is actually gone from all servers.
> There is no obvious corruption issue on the slave boxes. I’m not sure what else to check at this point. Are there suggestions from the slony developers on how to investigate what is actually going on to cause these issues? Any help is appreciated at this point.

Above you say 'the one with the trigger on it that populates the other 

You sort of imply you have triggers on tables but don't provide any details.

Do these triggers fire on replicas, the origin, everywhere?

Do the triggers insert data into a replicated table?

The conflicting row, you see the second insert for it in sl_log but do 
you know where the first instance comes from?  Is the row recently 
added? (if so you do you see the first insert in sl_log also) or has the 
row been there a long time.

Is the conflicting row otherwise identical to the existing row or is it 
only identical with respet to the primary key (ie the last_updated 
times, do they match?)

> sample error :
> 2016-01-21 01:19:01 UTC ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1_1: error at end of COPY IN: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "device_properties_pkey"
> DETAIL:  Key (device_guid, property_guid, data_index)=(26464008, 39, 0) already exists.
> CONTEXT:  SQL statement "INSERT INTO "device"."device_properties" ("device_guid", "property_guid", "data_index", "property_value", "tran_id", "dt_last_updated", "last_updated_by_userid", "version_id") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8);"
> COPY sl_log_1, line 36: "1      6117236903      298     7797340846      device  device_properties       I       0       {device_guid,26464008,property_guid,39,data…"
> thanks,
> Frank
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