Soni M diptatapa at
Thu Apr 16 20:44:46 PDT 2015
Hello All,
2 nodes configured for slony 2.0.7, on RHEL 6.5 using postgres 9.1.14. Each
slon manage local postgres.
Slony and RHEL installed from postgres yum repo.

On some occasion, on master db, the cleanupEvent last for long time, up to
5 minutes, normally it finish for a few seconds. The 'truncate sl_log_x' is
waiting for a lock which takes most time. This make all write operation to
postgres have to wait also, some get failed. As I inspected, what makes
truncate wait is another slon transaction made by slon slave process, that
is transaction which run 'fetch 500 from LOG'. This transaction left 'idle
on transaction' for a long time on some occasion.

Why is this happen ? Is this due to network latency between nodes ? Is
there any work around for this?

Many thanks, cheers...


Soni Maula Harriz
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