Jeff Frost jeff at
Tue Sep 30 15:18:42 PDT 2014
Seeing this error from finishTableAfterCopy:

PGRES_FATAL_ERROR ERROR:  permission denied for relation pg_class
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update pg_catalog.pg_class set relhasindex ='t' where oid = i_oid"

slony 2.1.4 connecting to postgresql 9.2.9 as the slony user which is a postgresql superuser.

ccom=# select * from pg_authid where rolname = 'slony';
-[ RECORD 1 ]--+------------------------------------
rolname        | slony
rolsuper       | t
rolinherit     | t
rolcreaterole  | t
rolcreatedb    | t
rolcatupdate   | t
rolcanlogin    | t
rolreplication | f
rolconnlimit   | -1
rolpassword    | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
rolvaliduntil  |

Anybody have any ideas?

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