Steve Singer ssinger at
Wed Jul 24 15:21:47 PDT 2013
On 07/23/2013 03:27 AM, Robert Wysocki wrote:

Could the problem be with your sequences?

I was able to reproduce a test case that looked something like this

EXECUTE SCRIPT(SQL='insert into table5 (data) values ('9');', event node=1);

This worked okay on my origin giving me a row:

7 | seven
8 | 9

where the first row already existed.

But when this SQL executed on the replica

COPY IN: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint 
db3:java.lang.UNIXProcess at 6542bece - DETAIL:  Key (id)=(7) already exists.

We don't update + replicate the sequence value updates at the start of a 
EXECUTE_SCRIPT event (apparently).

> Dnia 2013-07-22, pon o godzinie 17:37 -0400, Christopher Browne pisze:
>> The behaviour should be a bit further different...
>> The log triggers are supposed to be suppressed on *all* nodes when
>> DDL/DML is being run via EXECUTE SCRIPT by virtue of having the GUC
>> set to "local".
>> In effect, what's to happen is...
>> - Start of EXECUTE SCRIPT processing:
>>     set session_replication_role to local;
>>   - Process DDL/DML statements
>> - set session_replication_role to replica;
> Thanks for answers. I've managed to narrow it down to one case:
> SELECT from one table run with slonik_execute_script calls a function
> which in turn INSERTs into another table. Both tables are in the same
> replication set.
> In the node log I have:
> 2013-05-23 12:01:58 CEST CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: DDL Statement 17:
> [
> INSERT INTO euro_audit.b24_messages_aud(
>                      id, rev, revtype,
>                      page_label, "content", wysiwygable,
>                      content_for_mobile_active, content_for_mobile,
>                      note, message_type_id)
>          SELECT id,  getRevId('Inicjalizacja wersjonowania','MESSAGE'),
> 0,
>                                  page_label, "content", wysiwygable,
>                                  content_for_mobile_active,
> content_for_mobile,
>                                  note, message_type_id
>            FROM euro.b24_messages
>            WHERE page_label =
> 'not-added-services-shop-delivery-encouragement-message';]
> 2013-05-23 12:01:58 CEST ERROR  DDL Statement failed - PGRES_FATAL_ERROR
> In postgres log at the receiver end I have:
> [2013-05-23 12:01:58 CEST] slony1 at [21146]
> 519de916.529a/11:3799790 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique
> constraint "revisions_pkey"
> [2013-05-23 12:01:58 CEST] slony1 at [21146]
> 519de916.529a/12:3799790 DETAIL:  Key (id)=(1) already exists.
> [2013-05-23 12:01:58 CEST] slony1 at [21146]
> 519de916.529a/13:3799790 CONTEXT:  SQL statement "INSERT INTO
> euro_audit.revisions(
> The function in question:
> si_euro=# \sf getrevid (text,text)
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.getrevid(rev_comment text,
> audit_class_name text)
>   RETURNS bigint
>   LANGUAGE plpgsql
> AS $function$
>                  DECLARE
>                      rev_id bigint := 0;
>                              IF audit_class_name IS NULL OR
>                                      audit_class_name NOT SIMILAR TO
>                                       |MESSAGE|PRODUCT_PROMOTION_PRICE|
>                                       |STATUS_CODE|SYSTEM_PARAMETER|
>                             THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Wywołanie getRevId(%,%)
> przerwane. Taki audit_class_name nie istnieje - patrz
> AuditableEntityClasses',rev_comment, audit_class_name;
> INSERT INTO euro_audit.revisions(
>                              "comment", "timestamp", user_name,
> class_name)
>                      VALUES (rev_comment,  extract('epoch' from
> CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) * 1000, 'System', audit_class_name);
> rev_id = currval('euro_audit.revisions_id_seq');
> return rev_id;
> END;
> $function$
> Other DML statements done with slonik_execute_script do _not_ produce
> such errors. Is it possible that function execution does not obey
> session_replication_role settings?
> Regards,

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