Jan Wieck janwieck at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 9 04:59:00 PDT 2013
Slony operates row based. It has no idea how many client side statements have created those rows. Or if any row was inserted, updated or deleted as a direct result of a client query, a stored procedure, a trigger or a cascaded foreign key operation.


Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither 
liberty nor security. -- Benjamin Franklin

Raghav <ragavendra.dba at gmail.com> wrote:

>insert into stest values(generate_series(1,100));
>insert into stest values (101),(102),(103);
>How does above two SQL statements treated and counted in
>sl_apply_stats.as_num_insert column ?
>I feel it should be considered as one INSERT statement, no ?,
>But it has multiplied the count even with generate_series.
>Test case:
>postgres=# select as_num_insert from _rep220.sl_apply_stats ;     //before
> as_num_insert
>           0
>(1 row)
>postgres=# insert into stest values (generate_series(1,100));
>INSERT 0 100
>postgres=# select as_num_insert from _rep220.sl_apply_stats ;
> as_num_insert
>           100
>(1 row)
>postgres=# insert into stest values (101),(102),(103);
>postgres=# select as_num_insert from _rep220.sl_apply_stats ;
> as_num_insert
>           103
>(1 row)
>Blog: htt://raghavt.blogspot.com/
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