Tory M Blue tmblue at
Wed Nov 28 10:35:28 PST 2012

I've just brought up a replication node across the state, we have gig
circuits, but still going over the net over a vpn tunnel. So there is some

I'm getting these errors and can't get the initial replication to finish

4273435:2012-11-27 16:45:17 PST WARN   remoteWorkerThread_1: data copy for
set 1 failed 3 times - sleep 60 seconds

The above error causes a rollback and a complete subscribe node/set restart

This is postgres 9.1.4 and slony 2.1.1

I'm not sure if something is reaping the connection or something internal
to slon. Is there configuration settings I should adjust or a watcher or
something else daemon that I should be running?

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