Jan Wieck JanWieck at Yahoo.com
Mon Sep 26 18:54:04 PDT 2011
On 9/26/2011 5:38 PM, Dilraj Singh wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I started a replication between master and a slave using slony 1.2.21.
> The replication went succesfully and then i killed the slon daemons on
> both machines. After that i wanted to remove the _replication schemas
> from the database to remove all the traces of the replication schema and
> tables from the database. So i went ahead and did "Drop schema
> _rep_cluster CASCADE" on the slave first. It removed _rep_cluster schema
> from the slave completely and then i went to do the same on the master
> node but there i was stuck on - ERROR: "table_pkey" is an index. Now
> 'table' is the name of one of my tables on the database and table_pkey
> is the associated primary key with it i guess.
> Has anybody seen this error before? Did the slony lock down itself
> because i did not remove the schema correctly?

It is a well known problem that prior to version 2.0 Slony modified the 
system catalog and dropping the slony schema in the way you did left the 
system catalog in a corrupted state with no (easy) way to fix it.

The way to uninstall Slony up to version 1.2 is documented here:



Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither
liberty nor security. -- Benjamin Franklin

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