Brian Fehrle brianf at
Thu Nov 17 09:51:55 PST 2011
Hi all,
(postgres version 8.3, slony version 1.2.21)

     Quick question. I want to create a schema only dump of a database 
(pg_dump -s), but I don't want any slony elements in the dump. I 
excluded the slony schema via --exclude-schema="_slony", and nothing in 
that schema was dumped.

I do however, get some operators dumped that were not in the slony 
schema, but reference it.

-- Name: <=; Type: OPERATOR; Schema: public; Owner: slony

     PROCEDURE = _slony.xxidle,
     LEFTARG = _slony.xxid,
     RIGHTARG = _slony.xxid,
     COMMUTATOR = >=,
     NEGATOR = >,
     RESTRICT = scalarltsel,
     JOIN = scalarltjoinsel
ALTER OPERATOR public.<= (_slony.xxid, _slony.xxid) OWNER TO slony;

This operator lives in the public schema, but since it references things 
in _slony, when applying the dump to a new database, it fails (because 
the _slony schema isn't created, as intended).

I don't remember ever seeing anything put into the public schema by 
slony before, am I mistaken? Or was my original setup of this slony 
cluster messed up where it put operators in the wrong schema in the 
first place? Does slony 2.x have the same behavior or has it changed?

- Brian F

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