Vick Khera vivek at
Wed Apr 13 11:01:18 PDT 2011
On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 1:42 PM, Richard Yen <richyen at> wrote:

> Well, I noticed that when the log gets large and it's in the middle of a
> logswitch, load on the origin node will increase and subsequent to that, all
> subscriber nodes will lag up to 900sec.  This seems troublesome, considering
> that nodes in my cluster typically don't lag for more than 10sec--it's only
> during these logswitch events that they lag by so much.

I never noticed that, even when I had my db's on spinning media.  It was
never correlated with log switch.  The only times I got lag was when I had a
*lot* of update/insert activity in a very very short period.

Might I suggest that the cause/effect is the other way around?  Perhaps you
are just hitting your I/O throughput limit for your hardware.
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