Nicholson, Brad (Toronto, ON, CA) bnicholson at
Tue Apr 12 13:50:35 PDT 2011
> -----Original Message-----
> From: slony1-general-bounces at [mailto:slony1-general-
> bounces at] On Behalf Of Christopher Browne
> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 3:35 PM
> To: slony1-general at
> Subject: [Slony1-general] Slony Recent News
>    - There was evidently discussion at PGEast about trying to get the
>      [altperl scripts] improved/cleaned up.
>      My personal opinion (cbbrowne) is that they're not quite general
>      enough, and that making them so would be more trouble than it's
>      worth, so my "vote" would be to deprecate them.
>      But that is certainly not the only opinion out there - there are
>      apparently others that regularly use them.
>      While I'm not keen on putting effort into them, if there is some
>      consensus on what to do, I'd go along with it.  That might
>      include:
>      - Adding scripts to address slonik features that have not thus
>        far been included in ~altperl~.
>      - Integrating tests into the set of tests run using the
>        clustertest framework, so that we have some verification that
>        this stuff works properly.

I wonder if the right thing to do with the altperl scripts is to move them over to pgfoundry.  If someone wants to pick up support for them they can.  


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