Ulas Albayrak ulas.albayrak at gmail.com
Fri Aug 6 03:22:44 PDT 2010
After trying working on upgrading for a bit I realized that the error message
"<stdin>:39: loading of file
/usr/local/share/postgresql//slony1_funcs.sql: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR
ERROR:  Slonik version: 1.2.21 != Slony-I version in PG build 1.2.15"
refers to a discrepancy between the version of Slony-I in slonik and
the one in the local postgresql build, something that probably won't
be helped by me upgrading slony-I in the other node. So I guess I'm
back to square one. I need to downgrade Slony- on the FreeBSD machine
(or possibly upgrade the slony version in the Postgresql build, if
that's even possible). Any ideas?

2010/8/6 Ulas Albayrak <ulas.albayrak at gmail.com>:
>>Upgrade the other node ;)
>>Is the other node Debian? If so, I'd build slony-I 1.2.21 from sources
>>on the other one. 1.2.15 has various bugs as compared to 1.2.21.
> Well, if so, I should probably try that. Yes, the other system is
> running Debian Lenny and I installed Slony-I with aptitude, but I'll
> uninstall Slony on the Debian system and try to get release 1.2-21
> installed. Thanks for your help!
> --
> Ulas Albayrak
> ulas.albayrak at gmail.com

Ulas Albayrak
ulas.albayrak at gmail.com

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