Steven Graham steven at
Wed Jan 14 12:39:16 PST 2009
Thanks David. I had thought of some general solutions like you =

mentioned, just wondering if it could be done with slony out of the box. =

Thanks again.


David Rees wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Steven Graham
> <steven at> wrote:
>   =

>> Does anyone know if there is a general config option to replicate only
>> inserts?
>>     =

> No, you have to replicate an entire table.
>   =

>> I have a scenario where I want to replicated data for some analytics and=
>> want that data to persist longer than it does on the master table. Can t=
>> be done easily, or has anyone tried?
>>     =

> You could do this by creating a trigger on the master table which on
> any insert, also inserts the same data into another. No slony
> required.
> -Dave
>   =

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