Martin Eriksson m.eriksson at
Thu May 29 04:14:19 PDT 2008

I got a little test system where i got 2 postgres servers running, 
master = 8.2.4, slave1 = 8.2.4

both goth their own instance of slony as well (1.2.14)
and replication works fine between them

So i intended to try a migration to 8.3.1. where i add the 8.3.1 as new 
node to the master let it replicate completely then uninstall the old 
slave1 node.
of course each database run on a different port.

so i created a 3rd postgres installation of 8.3.1, and also installed 
slony 1.2.14 on that one.
create the db and schema.
add the node info in the config file then try to issue

slonik_store_node --config /tmp/slon_Test.conf 3 | /data/pgsql/bin/slonik
(this point to the 8.2.4 installation of the slonik_store_node)

but i get:
<stdin>:7: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR load '$libdir/xxid';  - ERROR:  
incompatible library "/data/pgsql-8.3.1/lib/": version mismatch
DETAIL:  Server is version 8.3, library is version 8.2.
<stdin>:7: Error: the extension for the xxid data type cannot be loaded 
in database 'host=t1 dbname=slonyT user=u1 port=5434'

same if i try to use the slonik from the 8.3.1 slony installation..

I know its not exactly ideal to be running this much one one machine.. 
but if anyone got some suggestions it would be most appreciated.

or maybe i shouldn't add the 8.3.1 node in this way?

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