"Stéphane A. Schildknecht" stephane.schildknecht at postgresqlfr.org
Wed Jul 30 04:30:26 PDT 2008
Hash: SHA1


Slony 1.2.13, PG 8.2.{7|9}

I'm facing a really strange and annoying situation.

After having unsubscribed a node (72) from replication of set 1 (issuing the
command "select _slonrep.unsubscribeset(1,72);" on node 72), I am trying to
resubscribe it to the set by issuing the command "select
_slonrep.subscribeset(1,71,72,'t');" on node 71.

Trouble is averything seems to go well to a certain extent... Indeed,
subscription is done for tables, data are copied, but then I get the following
message :

2008-07-30 11:05:13 CEST ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: "select
"_slonturf".setAddSequence_int(1, 2, '"public"."some_seq"', 'sequence
public.some_seq')" PGRES_FATAL_ERROR ERREUR: Slony-I: setAddSequence_int():
sequence ID 2 has already been assigned
2008-07-30 11:05:13 CEST WARN   remoteWorkerThread_1: data copy for set 1
failed - sleep 15 seconds

Or, this sequence was not present in table _slonrep.sl_sequence before I issued
the subscribe_set() command.
Why does slon consider it to be already present now ?
What can I do now ?

My replication scheme is as follows :

In cascade, let's assume 1 -> 71 -> 72, to summary.
72 is master for set 2 and last subscriber for set 1 (provider is 71, master is
node 1).

Thanks in advance.

- --
Stéphane Schildknecht
PostgreSQLFr : http://www.postgresql.fr

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