Jeff Frost jeff at
Wed Jan 30 09:09:28 PST 2008
On Wed, 30 Jan 2008, Geoffrey wrote:

> I posted about this once before, but didn't get any bites.  I'm hoping 
> someone can enlighten me as to my error here.  I have the following 
> configuration:
> When I attempt to create the second set, I get an error as follows:
> slonik_create_set --config $CONFIG 2|slonik
> <stdin>:16: Subscription set 2 created
> <stdin>:17: Adding tables to the subscription set
> <stdin>:18: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select "_mwv_cluster".setAddTable(2, 2, 
> 'public.aaccess', 'aaccess_pkey', 'Table public.aaccess with primary key'); 
> - ERROR:  Slony-I: setAddTable_int: table id 2 has already been assigned!
> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "setaddtable" line 37 at perform
> Clearly, 'table id 2' has not been already defined.  What is it that I'm 
> missing here?  Thanks for any assistance.

Slony definitely thinks differently.  Have a look at sl_table to see what 
has id 2.  For example if your clustername is testcluster, then:

select * from _testcluster.sl_table where tab_id = 2;

Jeff Frost, Owner 	<jeff at>
Frost Consulting, LLC
Phone: 650-780-7908	FAX: 650-649-1954

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