Praveen Kumar (TUV) praveen.k at
Wed Jan 23 20:45:39 PST 2008
I am facing problem regard slony. We have one master and three slaves
database.In one slave database slony process is taking so much time but
Other slave databases ,it execute very quickly and not visible in sql
prompt when I execute query "
 select procpid,substr(current_query,1,50) as
current_query,usename,now()-query_start as query_running_from from
pg_stat_activity where current_query not like '<IDLE>%'";

but in other slave it show result like that. And load on this slave go

procpid |                   current_query                    | usename |

   24889 | select "_slon_rep".forwardConfirm(4, 2, '5417', '2 | tuvca
   24891 | notify "_slon_rep_Event"; notify "_slon_rep_Confir | tuvca
   24892 | notify "_slon_rep_Event"; notify "_slon_rep_Confir | tuvca

My question is that why is this result  visible only one slave and
taking so much time while in other two slave databases it does not show
this kind of result ?
Replication is happening properly between master and slaves.

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