Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Wed Jan 9 11:00:13 PST 2008
Glyn Astill <glynastill at> writes:
> Hi Chris,
> If I do "/usr/local/pgsql/bin/slon -f /data/postgres/slon.conf" at in
> the terminal it works, however it does not from the startup script.
> Will try strace now...


I assume you're specifying full path names in the startup script, so
it's not running afoul of (say) having $PATH defined differently.

The only other thing that comes to mind is that sometimes ulimit
settings differ when running init as compared to a user shell.  But I
can't think of what resource the system would decline to give because
of this; usually the problem is along the lines of getting
insufficient memory space, but that doesn't seem like the problem
you're having.
(reverse (concatenate 'string "moc.enworbbc" "@" "enworbbc"))
Rules  of  the Evil  Overlord  #93.  "If I  decide  to  hold a  double
execution of  the hero and an  underling who failed or  betrayed me, I
will  see   to  it   that  the  hero   is  scheduled  to   go  first."

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