Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Wed Feb 6 10:05:39 PST 2008
Cyril SCETBON <scetbon at> writes:
> I told it in a previous mail :
> /" I've modified the value of SLON_DATA_FETCH_SIZE in src/slon/slon.h
> and rebuilt it. I've changed it from 10 to 50 to make fetchs of 500
> lines. "
> /

I have just committed the above change to HEAD.


It warrants more testing, with the totality of the other relevant
changes in HEAD (e.g. - eliminating VACUUM on sl_log_?, and such), but
it doesn't seem too likely that this would worsen overall performance.
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
I always try to do things in chronological order. 

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