chris chris at
Thu Aug 7 10:02:16 PDT 2008
kevin kempter <kevin at> writes:
> I setup a SLONY cluster yesterday and it worked without any
> issues. Can anyone point me to some documentation, or tell me how to
> determine how long it took for the slave to be completely caught up
> with the master?

This is a bit of a dynamic thing.

I'd expect to find this in the logs for the subscriber node.  It comes
in two portions:

  a) Firstly, you can check how long it took to do the initial subscription by
     searching in the logs for:

      "copy_set 17 done in 9234.442 seconds"

    (Obviously not expecting those particular numbers :-)!)

  b) Once the initial subscription is done, it will take some period of time
     to catch up and process all SYNCs that were supplied on the provider during 
     that period of time.

     In effect, you'll know when the subscriber is caught up when it stops
     processing multiple SYNCs at once, and processes just one SYNC, namely the
     latest one.

You can run the query, on the origin node:

   select  st_lag_num_events, st_lag_time from _myschema.sl_status where st_received = 3;

This assumes that the replication schema is _myschema, and the node
you're worried about is #3; change as needed.

Once st_lag_num_events falls to 0, the subscriber has caught up.  Of
course, it immediately falls behind again :-).
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
Rules of the  Evil Overlord #104. "My undercover  agents will not have
tattoos identifying them as members  of my organization, nor will they
be  required to  wear  military boots  or  adhere to  any other  dress
codes." <>

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