Martin Eriksson m.eriksson at
Wed Aug 20 02:46:55 PDT 2008
Yes it will,

the cascade will remove ALL slony triggers.

I do it all the time..

René-Etienne Muscat wrote:
> But this will not remove the triggers from the tables! Is there a 
> clean way of getting this done or is this the only method?
> Thanks for your help,
> Rene
> On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 10:51 AM, Martin Eriksson 
> <m.eriksson at <mailto:m.eriksson at>> wrote:
>     on the slaves nodes issue:
>     drop schema <cluster name> cascade;
>     this will remove ALL slony stuff from the database it is run on.
>     /martin
>     René-Etienne Muscat wrote:
>         Hi everyone, I have dropped the master cluster from pgadmin
>         and cannot do the same to the slave cluster.
>         What can I do to remove this replication set from the slave
>         and get the tables back to normal?
>         P.S. I have other replication sets working fine, so I do not
>         want to do any changes that would affect the other replication
>         sets.
>          Rene
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