Cyril SCETBON cscetbon.ext at
Mon Sep 10 13:33:17 PDT 2007

Cyril SCETBON wrote:
> Jan Wieck wrote:
>> On 9/7/2007 9:36 AM, Cyril SCETBON wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I got this configuration                Node1 --> Node2 (5 seconds 
>>> late)
>>>                                                           |
>>>                                                           --> Node3 
>>> (2 hours late)
>>> Node2 is processing each SYNC from Node3 and Node2, but Node3 is 
>>> processing each SYNC from Node2 but not from Node1 which is the 
>>> origin of the sets :
>>> On Node3 we see  `grep processing 
>>> /var/log/slony1/node3-pns_profiles_preprod.log|awk '{print 
>>> $5}'|sort|uniq -c`
>>>      19 remoteWorkerThread_1:
>>>     963 remoteWorkerThread_2:
>>> On Node2 we see `grep processing 
>>> /var/log/slony1/node2-pns_profiles_preprod.log |awk '{print 
>>> $5}'|sort|uniq -c`
>>>    1570 remoteWorkerThread_1:
>>>     865 remoteWorkerThread_3:
>>> Why is there so many SYNC not processed on Node3 ???
>>> Node3 got 22440 queue event and 25 Received event from 
>>> remoteWorkerThread_1, while Node2 got 4467 queue event and 1578 
>>> Received event from the same worker.
>>> Is there something to do ?
>> How about looking for some error messages?
> None.
I've put slon in debug level 2
>> What comes to mind would be that sl_event is grossly out of shape and 
>> that the event selection times out.
> Seems vacuuming sl_log_1 takes too much time cause of 
> vacuum_cost_delay and that selecting from this table use a seq scan. 
> I'm investiguating.
I forced vacuum to go faster and checked slon logs of subscribers. They 
got similar disks capabilities which seems to be the bottleneck on all 
node (wait io ~=50% in vmstat).

I found replication tasks time are different :

On node 3 :
                     delay in seconds = 585.974ms
                     cleanupEvent in seconds = 9.25167s

On node 2 :
                     delay in seconds = 37.6463ms
                     cleanupEvent in seconds = 0.203265s

May these times explain why node 3 is late compared to node 2 ? What do 
you think I have to investiguate now ?

PS: hosts consume the same processor load but node 2 is a biprocessor 
2.6Ghz and node 3 is a biprocessor dual core 1.8Ghz (4 processors seen 
by Linux kernel SMP)
> Regards.
>> Jan

Cyril SCETBON - Ingénieur bases de données
AUSY pour France Télécom - SCR/HDI/DOP/HEBEX

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