Tim Bowden tim.bowden at westnet.com.au
Sat Sep 8 18:07:04 PDT 2007

I'm looking at using slony for the first time.  I'd like to know if it's
possible to have different tables in a slave db replicated from
different master db's.

Just to outline the setup I'm looking at, I have (proposed) master db's
that are distributed in various geographical areas for performance
reasons that need to be replicated back to a central slave.  The
critical table in each master db (the only table needing to be
replicated) would have an identical data structure and RI model (except
for a constraint limiting the pk to that properly belonging to that
particular master db).

If possible the slave tables would actually be partitions of a "whole of
system" slave db (ie, children in a table inheritance relationship) in
order to provide a view of all the data in one slave table, though from
a first reading of the docs I suspect this is not possible as the table
schemas would be different from master to slave.

Tim Bowden

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