Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Tue Oct 16 12:54:22 PDT 2007
One thing that seems to have fallen by the wayside in the migration
from gBorg to the nice new digs of at Command Prompt
is the bug tracker.

We used to have the gBorg bug tracker; there is not now any tooling to
help support tracking bugs.  I have been getting pestered by some
community members about this, as the statuses of some of the issues
that have come up in the v1.2 branch have not been totally obvious.

Way Back When, we were talking about the migration from gBorg to the
new site, there was some enthusiasm over using a Bugzilla instance at
Command Prompt, which seems still to be there at

Is that still something that people would be enthusiastic about?  

I think activating it would take some (hopefully small?) amount of
effort on Command Prompt's part...
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
C program run -- Run program run -- Run, C program, Run! -- (please)

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