Marco Gaiarin gaio at
Thu Mar 8 01:23:34 PST 2007
[i've tried to subscribe to the new list on diuble, but the
confirmation email does not arrive; i think i'm simply coming here in
the middle of a site migration... ;) ]

I've to deploy in my organization a database replica for an internal
LAPP application, and clearly i've choosed slony-I.

We are using here Debian, keeping stable (sarge), so postgres 7.4.X.
The real intention was to move after etch, but i need  this replica now
and so i've firstly recompiled etch slony1 package for sarge, without
no trouble at all.
So i'm using:

 mouse:~# dpkg -l | grep "postgres"
 ii  postgresql     7.4.7-6sarge4  object-relational SQL database management sy
 mouse:~# dpkg -l | grep "slony"
 ii  slony1-bin     1.2.1-0sarge1  replication system for PostgreSQL

As a debian afecionados the first docs i read was
/usr/share/doc/slony1-bin/README.Debian.gz, that warn to read the docs
and then suggest at least to try the 'perl tools'.

So i've setup a quick testbed, compiled the slon_tools.conf
configuration files and start testing.
I suppose no error done on create the database, create schema, add language
and copy schema on the slave, simple tasks.

Then i do a slonik_init_cluster | slonik :

 mouse:~# slonik_init_cluster 

 cluster name = test;
  node 1 admin conninfo=' dbname=test user=postgres port=5432';
  node 2 admin conninfo=' dbname=test user=postgres port=5432 password=test';
   init cluster (id = 1, comment = 'Node 1 - test at');

   store node (id = 2, event node = 1, comment = 'Node 2 - test at');
   echo 'Set up replication nodes';

   echo 'Next: configure paths for each node/origin';
   echo 'Replication nodes prepared';
   echo 'Please start a slon replication daemon for each node';

and slonik_create_set set1 | slonik :

mouse:~# slonik_create_set set1
 cluster name = test;
  node 1 admin conninfo=' dbname=test user=postgres port=5432';
  node 2 admin conninfo=' dbname=test user=postgres port=5432 password=test';


   try {
     create set (id = 1, origin = 1, comment = 'Set 1 for test');
   } on error {
     echo 'Could not create subscription set 1 for test!';
     exit -1;

   echo 'Subscription set 1 created';
   echo 'Adding tables to the subscription set';
   set add table (set id = 1, origin = 1, id = 1,
                  full qualified name = 'public.assi_accogl_dimiss',
                  comment = 'Table public.assi_accogl_dimiss with primary key');
   echo 'Add primary keyed table public.assi_accogl_dimiss';
   set add table (set id = 1, origin = 1, id = 2,
                  full qualified name = 'public.assi_trattamenti',
                  comment = 'Table public.assi_trattamenti with primary key');
   echo 'Add primary keyed table public.assi_trattamenti';
   set add table (set id = 1, origin = 1, id = 3,
                  full qualified name = 'public.assi_impegnative',
                  comment = 'Table public.assi_impegnative with primary key');
   echo 'Add primary keyed table public.assi_impegnative';

   echo 'Adding sequences to the subscription set';
   echo 'All tables added';

the commmand execute with no error at all, but the first strangness are
that on master database i can see the trigger that 'log' data, on the
slave there's no trigger that prevent write operation (i've read about
it on the docs).
Second strangness: reading on the docs for the 'manual mode' i suspect
that the missin of a 'STORE PATH' sections it is not good...

Doing that i've started the slon daemons on master and slave, and i can
see that communicate each other (via tcpdump or seen in the log

 2007-03-07 17:06:13 CET DEBUG2 syncThread: new sl_action_seq 1 - SYNC 36
 2007-03-07 17:06:13 CET DEBUG2 localListenThread: Received event 2,36 SYNC


So after that the only pass missed was the subscribing, so i've done a
slonik_subscribe_set set1 node2 | slonik :

 mouse:~# slonik_subscribe_set set1 node2
 cluster name = test;
  node 1 admin conninfo=' dbname=test user=postgres port=5432';
  node 2 admin conninfo=' dbname=test user=postgres port=5432 password=test';
   try {
     subscribe set (id = 1, provider = 1, receiver = 2, forward = yes);
   on error {
     exit 1;
   echo 'Subscribed nodes to set 1';

and i've seen on the *slave* log (nothing on master log):

 2007-03-07 16:52:04 CET DEBUG2 localListenThread: Received event 1,13 SUBSCRIBE_SET
 2007-03-07 16:52:04 CET DEBUG2 localListenThread: Received event 1,14 ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTION

but now if i add some data to the table, i see nothing on the salve,
and nothing on the logs.

What i'm missing?

dott. Marco Gaiarin				    GNUPG Key ID: 240A3D66
  Associazione ``La Nostra Famiglia''      
  Polo FVG  -  Via della Bontà, 7 - 33078  -  San Vito al Tagliamento (PN)
  marco.gaiarin(at)	  tel +39-0434-842711  fax +39-0434-842797

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