Michal Taborsky - Internet Mall michal.taborsky at mall.cz
Mon Jun 4 01:20:31 PDT 2007
Hello everyone.

We've run into problem with EXECUTE SCRIPT. Our configuration is two 
servers, one master, one slave. All tables are in one set. PostgreSQL 
version is 8.1.9, Slony is 1.2.9.

The problem was (probably) caused by executing a DDL script via slonik 
EXECUTE SCRIPT command. This script included BEGIN and COMMIT, which 
slony did not accept. We do not have the exact error message, unfortunately.

The slonik script is pretty simple:

EXECUTE SCRIPT ( SET ID = 1, FILENAME = 'change.sql' );

After that, all attempts to run EXECUTE SCRIPT end up with:

<stdin>:5: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select "_T1".ddlScript_prepare(1, -1);  - 
ERROR:  Slony-I: alterTableRestore(): Table "adm"."dberror_help" is not 
in altered state
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT  "_T1".alterTableRestore(tab_id) from 
"_T1".sl_table where tab_set in (select set_id from "_T1".sl_set where 
set_origin = "_T1".getLocalNodeId('_T1'))"
PL/pgSQL function "ddlscript_prepare" line 30 at perform

The "adm"."dberror_help" is the first table in the set. We have tried 
even the most simple script, just a "SELECT 1", the result being the same.

The replication seems to be running, but of course we'd like to fix this 
as soon as possible.

Thanks for your advice.

Michal Táborský
chief systems architect
Internet Mall, a.s.

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