Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Tue Jan 9 08:47:02 PST 2007
Largo Stemper wrote:
>  Hi everybody and HAPPY NEW YEAR
>  I wanna know why are some of my functions not replicated like the rest of my database.
This is a documented limitation.


Read the section on "Current Limitations;" it indicates that the only
objects for which Slony-I manages replication are:

1.  Tables
2.  Sequences

Functions are neither tables nor sequences, so they aren't on the list
of things that can be replicated.
>   - What are the conditions that prevents a funcitons from being replicated ?
That's backwards - there is no condition that *allows* functions to be
>  - The replication is running : Can I see my functions on my slave if I create them on the master with the psql-Client and (/i myFunction.sql) ?
Only if you initialized the subscriber using a dump from the master node
from some time after the functions had been loaded on the master node.
>  - Even EXECUTE SCRIPT on the slonik script did not help, it creates my function only on the master, what is if I have a Failover ??
Now THAT seems wrong...

EXECUTE SCRIPT runs the SQL script on every node.  I'd certainly expect
that to create functions on all the subscribers.

If that doesn't work, that seems to warrant a bug report.
>  - Is it  the same for TRIGGERs
There's an important difference with triggers; triggers generally get
hidden on replicated tables on the subscribers.

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