Geoffrey lists at
Wed Dec 12 17:24:44 PST 2007
I'm making progress here, but seems I may have found an error in the 
docs.  From:

I see the following:

# subscribe set to second node (1= set ID, 2= node ID)
$ slonik_subscribe_set  2 | slonik

slonik_subscribe_set complains thusly:

/usr/local/etc> slonik_subscribe_set 2|slonik
Usage: subscribe_set [--config file] set# node#

     Begins replicating a set to the specified node.

<stdin>:1: ERROR: syntax error at or near Need

So I'm assuming that it's expecting two arguments as in the comment above?

slonik_subscribe_set 1 2 | slonik

But that yields the following:

<stdin>:4: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select "_esc_cluster".subscribeSet(1, 1, 2, 
't'); - ERROR:  insert or update on table "sl_path" violates foreign key 
constraint "pa_client-no_id-ref"l/etc> slonik_subscribe_set 1m2|slonik
DETAIL:  Key (pa_client)=(2) is not present in table "sl_node".

I'm not exactly sure where to go from here...

Until later, Geoffrey

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
  - Benjamin Franklin

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