postgres at postgres at
Tue Dec 4 11:43:20 PST 2007

I've correctly dropped my node2 (still have node1 which is the set1
origin and node3 which is a slave) using this command:

slonik_drop_node node2 | slonik

The documentation says that this would try to kill the running slon
for that node but it didn't. Could it be because postgres is running
with user postgres and the slons are running as root?

It correctly dropped the node because it's not listed anymore on the
origins sl_node, sl_subscribe ad sl_path tables. But it's still is
listed when I ask for replication status on sl_status:

# SELECT * from _replication.sl_status ;
 st_origin | st_received | st_last_event |      st_last_event_ts
| st_last_received |    st_last_received_ts     |
st_last_received_event_ts  | st_lag_num_events |   st_lag_time
         1 |           2 |         34498 | 2007-12-04 13:36:29.145529
|            34422 | 2007-12-04 13:23:46.859689 | 2007-12-04
13:23:46.835432 |                76 | 00:12:48.167806
         1 |           3 |         34498 | 2007-12-04 13:36:29.145529
|            34497 | 2007-12-04 13:36:23.466897 | 2007-12-04
13:36:19.108237 |                 1 | 00:00:15.895001
(2 rows)

Is this going to be a problem if I create a new node and assign it
number 2? Will slony think it's the old node2 coming back again and
just try to sync those 76 unsynced events?

Thank you

Diego Algorta Casamayou -

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