David Rees drees76 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 00:47:53 PDT 2007
On 8/3/07, Christopher Browne <cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info> wrote:
> David Rees wrote:
> > Would it be possible to get the documentation updated/fixed as I noted
> > in this post?
> > http://lists.slony.info/pipermail/slony1-general/2007-August/006417.html
> >
> > Let me know if you want me to whip up some patches against CVS, I'm
> > happy to do so.
> Sure, that's entirely reasonable.
> Patches to documentation do not mandate retesting anything ;-).
> And yes, by all means, whip up some patches to CVS.  I tend to be
> unapologetically "wordsmithing-happy" on such changes, but it's pretty
> ideal if you start by poking at parts of the documentation to say
> "that's where something needs to be changed."

OK, here's some tweaks the configuration to 1. Fix what the docs claim
are the defaults for sync interval and sync interval timeout and 2.
Synchronize the docs a bit between slon.conf-sample and the primary

Could probably use a bit more tweaking but I wanted to at least make
sure the defaults are corrected before the next release.

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