Richard Yen dba
Wed Sep 27 13:25:57 PDT 2006
Just out of curiosity, where does primary key info, for replicated  
tables, get stored by slony?

I've found that I can manually use ALTER TABLE commands to add,  
remove, or update rows on replicated tables, and slony continues to  
run without any complaints.

However, I've found that if I alter the primary key in any way,  
things start to act funny.  In this particular case, I added a column  
to the primary key definition.  Previously, primary key was A and B.   
Now, it's A, B, and C.  When I go and do updates on the table, slony  
replicates to the subscribers as if primary key is A and B, so more  
than one row gets updated, and data is no longer reliable.

No worries, though, just drop the table from replication and add it  
back in.  (Just in case there are some curious ones out there...)

Can't seem to find primary key information in any of the  
_schemaname.sl_* tables...

Any thoughts?

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