Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Thu Sep 21 12:36:50 PDT 2006
gurkan at wrote:
> Hi,
> I got executing the script;
> (creates table on master,slave1,slave2 but
> does it matter to have connection to only node1 or all nodes in script,
> it did the same thing with connection to only node1 and I tried to connection
> to
> all nodes ?
> node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=development host= port=5444
> user=enterprisedb';
> node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=development host= port=5444
> user=enterprisedb';
> node 3 admin conninfo = 'dbname=development host= port=5444
> user=enterprisedb';
> )
> (once the table cretaed, I would expect to have replication for all tables and
> new-created table;
> meaning once I do insertion to new-created table on master, I was expecting to
> replicate on slave1 and slave2,
> but it did not replicate/insert to slave1 and slave2. I am sure I am missing
> something?)
> (I believe same things needs to be done for other SQL commands, like inserting
See the "Task-oriented" documentation at

Adding a table to replication

Slony-I does not allow you to add a table to a replication set that is
already being replicated. In principle, it would certainly be
/possible;/ what would happen is that the SET_ADD_TABLE event would lead
to the relevant code from the SUBSCRIBE_SET event being invoked to
initialize the table. That would, regrettably, significantly complicate
the logic of all of these components, so this is not permitted.

Instead, what you must do is thus:


      Add the new table on each node.

      In principle, EXECUTE SCRIPT(7)
      <> could be used
      for this, but the fact that this leads to Locking Issues
      <> and requires
      altering /all/ tables in some existing replication set, on /all/
      nodes, makes EXECUTE SCRIPT(7)
      <> an
      unattractive approach on a busy system. This breaks the Slony-I
      feature that you "don't have to interrupt normal activity to
      introduce replication."

      Instead, you may add the table via *psql* on each node.


      Create a new replication set CREATE SET(7)


      Add the table to the new set SET ADD TABLE(7)


      Request subscription SUBSCRIBE SET(7)
      <> for this
      new set. If there are several nodes, you will need to SUBSCRIBE
      SET(7) <> once
      for each node that should subscribe.


      Once the subscriptions have all been set up so that the new set
      has an identical set of subscriptions to the old set, you can
      merge the new set in alongside the old one via MERGE SET(7)

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