Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Thu Nov 16 13:50:15 PST 2006
Versions 1.2.1 and 1.1.6 have been released in the 1.2 and 1.1 stable
branches, respectively.

Release 1.2.1 of Slony-I has the following improvements over 1.2.0:

- Added a SYNC slonik command to allow requesting a SYNC event.
  This is a more useful thing to wait for than a SUBSCRIBE SET.

- MERGE SET now refuses to be applied if a subscriber has not
  yet confirmed post-subscription events

- Added a SLEEP slonik command to allow writing code that tells
  the script to pause for some number of seconds

- Fixed a concurrency problem where if you had multiple log
  shipped nodes, the threads processing them shared a single
  file descriptor as well as other variables.

- altperl scripts have had "listen path" generation removed as that is
  handled automatically as clusters are built.

- Added a script, tools/, which performs some of
  the release checklist checks, such as verifying that the Slony-I
  version number (e.g. - 1.2.1) is consistent across various places
  that need to reference it.

These issues also applied to 1.1.6, and have been added to that branch.

The following changes only apply to the 1.2 branch.

- If a child process exits with return code of 0, that means it
  *asked* to exit, presumably because configuration changed that it
  needs to reload.  In that case, there's no need to wait 10s before
  restarting the thread; we should restart the thread immediately.

  This causes operations like MOVE SET to run ~10s faster per
  subscription change.

- Fixed some portability problems in tools/

- Added a new script, tools/, meant to search hourly for
  errors in slon logs and warn an administrator about them.

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