Melvin Davidson mdavidson
Thu May 18 10:09:54 PDT 2006
>   7. Can't remove dropped table from slony set-- (Norman Yamada)
 >Now we're stuck. I can't drop the table from the slony set, because

>it complains that the table doesn't exist on the master node. I've re- 
>created the table on the master node to no avail. Worse, while my  
>slony set continues to function even without this table, I can't run  
>any other DDL scripts on the set -- it complains about the missing  

I cannot guarantee this, but if you examine sl_table  in the slony 
schema, you will see that is uses
the tab_reloid to refer to the table that was deleted.

I suspect that if you:

1. Recreate the table
2. Get the OID for the recreated table:
    *SELECT OID from pg_class
    WHERE relname = '<your_table>'
         AND relkind = 'r';
*3. Update the tab_reloid in sl_table for the problem table.
4. Execute
    Where N is the NODE # for the MASTER, and ZZZ is the ID # in sl_table.

You may resolve your problem.

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