Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Fri Mar 3 16:06:24 PST 2006
Florian G. Pflug wrote:

>Here is an attempt at integrating my algorithm into slony1.
>I tried it on one of the nodes of my slony cluster, and
>it seems to generate correct listen entries, but haven't
>tested anything else yet.
>The thing I'm most unsure about is if the logic regarding
>set-subscriptions is correct. At the moment, I ignore
>a possible sl_listen entry if there is a subscription
>with set-origin = li_origin, set-subscriber = li_receiver
>and set-provider != li_provider. Are there any other
>special cases to watch out for?
>The attached file contains two functions - A replacement
>fro RebuildListenEntries, and a helper calles
You got to it before I did, which is no bad thing.

(Well, it is bad, because I had a Really Irritating Friday, but that's
another story...)

I'll take a look at what it does on Monday (assuming Monday doesn't get
similarly Irritating :-)).

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