Alan Hodgson ahodgson
Fri Jun 30 14:08:50 PDT 2006
On Friday 30 June 2006 13:26, "Sean Kirkpatrick" 
<sean.kirkpatrick at> wrote:
> One thing to note here is that a column was added to a base table of the
> table with the problems.  That is the table with the issues inherits from
> a table where a column had just recently been added.  I'm wondering if
> COPY doesn't like that...
> Any additional suggestions?

Upgrade to the current version of Slony.  Adding column names to the inital 
COPYs fixed that problem.  I ran into exactly the same thing once.

As a hack, you could try dropping the column from the base table on the 
slave, then re-add it.  The column ordering might match up to what is on 
the master, then.

"Corruptissima republica, plurimae leges" (The more corrupt the state, 
the more laws.) - Tacitus

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