Norman Yamada nyamada
Thu Jun 29 07:15:04 PDT 2006
I'm afraid that's not the issue here; or there's a deeper conflict  
that I'm not understanding.

To test your hypothesis that there was a trigger name conflict here,  
I tried to add a new constraint on another table called calendar via  
DDL scripts, which has no other triggers besides the slony triggers.

Before I ran the DDL script, I checked pg_trigger:

select tgname from pg_trigger where tgrelid in (select oid from pg_class
where relname in ('calendar'));

On all nodes, there was only one trigger:

on the master node, the trigger was named  
on the slave nodes, the trigger was named _tmc_replication_denyaccess_26

the DDL Script fed to slonik was as follows:


# Create a new constraint in the calendar table
echo "Changing schema"
slonik <<_EOF_
cluster name = tmc_replication;
node 1 admin conninfo='host=dbmaster1 dbname=tmc user=postgres  
node 2 admin conninfo='host=dbstage1 dbname=tmc user=postgres  
node 3 admin conninfo='host=dbtest1 dbname=tmc user=postgres port=5432';
execute script ( SET ID = 1, FILENAME = 'testChanges.sql', EVENT NODE  
= 1);

And the sql script read as follows:
alter table calendar add constraint good_dow check (extract(dow from  
dte) not in (0,6));

The change failed; with the following entry on the slave nodes:

begin transaction;
set transaction isolation level serializable;
lock table "_tmc_replication".sl_config_lock;
select "_tmc_replication".ddlScript_int(1, 'alter table calendar add  
constraint good_dow check (extract(dow from dte) not in (0,6));', -1);
notify "_tmc_replication_Event";
notify "_tmc_replication_Confirm";
insert into "_tmc_replication".sl_event
(ev_origin, ev_seqno, ev_timestamp,
ev_minxid, ev_maxxid, ev_xip, ev_type ,
ev_data1, ev_data2, ev_data3    ) values
('1', '379813', '2006-06-29 09:59:23.921595',
  '89693770', '89693771', '', 'DDL_SCRIPT', '1',
'alter table calendar add constraint good_dow check (extract(dow from  
dte) not in (0,6));
', '-1');
insert into "_tmc_replication".sl_confirm
(con_origin, con_received, con_seqno, con_timestamp)    values
(1, 2, '379813', now());
commit transaction;
PGRES_FATAL_ERROR ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint  
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update "pg_catalog".pg_trigger set tgrelid  
=  $1  where tgrelid =  $2
PL/pgSQL function "altertablerestore" line 68 at SQL statement
SQL statement "SELECT  "_tmc_replication".alterTableRestore( $1 )"

Could the index be corrupt? Any suggestions of what to do here?  
Thanks for any help.

On Jun 28, 2006, at 6:09 PM, Christopher Browne wrote:

> Cutting it down to the most vital bit, the question is why uniqueness
> of  the index is getting violated.
> bz at localhost:5832=# \d pg_trigger_tgrelid_tgname_index
> Index "pg_catalog.pg_trigger_tgrelid_tgname_index"
>  Column  | Type
> ---------+------
>  tgrelid | oid
>  tgname  | name
> unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_trigger"
> Apparently there is already a trigger with the same name against  
> the table.
> Take a look at the contents of pg_trigger thus, on master and the
> failing subscriber:
> select * from pg_trigger where tgrelid in (select oid from pg_class
> where relname in 'exchange_info', 'locale');
> I expect you'll discover that the subscriber already had a  
> trigger.  How
> it got there is the puzzle you'll need to figure out, and that'll
> hopefully explain why it broke.  Actually, it's probably useful to
> compare several nodes; master, a "slave where it worked," and "slave
> where it broke."

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