Gavin Hamill gdh
Fri Jul 21 07:47:26 PDT 2006
Jan Wieck wrote:
> I have attached a patch that I am about to commit into REL_1_1_STABLE 
> as well as HEAD. It will cause slon_quote_literal() to return a NULL 
> result for a NULL input and the log trigger will bail out with an 
> ERROR if one of the old key columns contains the NULL value. This will 
> cause a transaction that happens to touch such a row to abort, instead 
> of causing a postgres core dump.

This is a followup to a thread back from mid-May [1] - I've been able to 
apply your patch, and the great news is pg no longer segfaults - hurrah :)

What interests me is the output in the logs... When before pg would fall 
over, now I just get

old key column User."DisplayNumberRooms" IS NULL on UPDATE

Now, I don't understand this at all... the User table has dozens of 
columns, and DisplayNumberRooms is just a bool - not a primary or 
foreign key; the column is not marked as NOT NULL so I can't understand 
what the problem actually is here...

  "DisplayNumberRooms" bool DEFAULT false,



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