Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Tue Feb 28 12:49:31 PST 2006
Antonio Escudero wrote:

>The subscriber has caught up with the provider,
>meaning the provider's DB has been copied to the
>subscriber's DB and it is currently started processing
>those queued SYNC.   
>Can i add table x_tbl to one of the schema in  the
>provider's database without restarting again slony? 
>Does slony add that table x_tbl to the subscriber's
>database? if not, what do i need to do to update the
>subscriber's db?
>If i delete a procedure in the provider's db, what do
>i need to do to delete that procedure in the
>subscriber's db?
I think we have a procedure described for this...  Yup, we do...

None of these steps require restarting Slony-I.

Slony-I doesn't try to do anything directly about replicating things
that aren't table tuples or sequence values.  If you want to delete a
stored function on all the nodes, you generally have two choices:

1.  Send the request to all the nodes...

for host in h1 h2 h3 h4; do
   psql -h $host -p 5434 -d my_replicated_database -c "drop function

2.  Submit the request via the slonik "EXECUTE SCRIPT" command

The amount of locking impact that EXECUTE SCRIPT has would cause me to
prefer #1...

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