Chris Browne cbbrowne
Thu Feb 23 07:49:35 PST 2006
If you watch the pgsql.hackers list, you'll see that there is some
intent to deprecate gBorg in favor of pgFoundry.  Which doesn't
generally seem a bad thing...

- gBorg apparently doesn't allow deleting old files without great
  trouble; downloadable file management at pgFoundry is much better

- The problem ticketing system at pgFoundry is a fair bit more 
  sophisticated and customizable to boot, definitely more suitable

- There is extra backup hardware available for pgFoundry; nobody is
  too interested in contributing such for gBorg

- It *looks* as though we'd be in better shape to have multiple CVS

- It looks as though plain ordinary project admin users have ssh
  access, at pgFoundry, not the case with gBorg, which covers all
  manner of problems...  

There were discussions back in the summer about moving over to
pgFoundry; the thing which we were holding off over was that there
were hopes that the next release of the gForge software (what
pgFoundry runs on) would have Subversion support.  Discussions on
pgsql.hackers indicate that this particular hope is likely to be
forlorn, as configuring that on gForge is apparently rather

Mind you, SVN *is* installed, and available, at the shell level,
which, I think, means that we could have an SVN repository; we'd lose
any "web admin" capabilities (e.g. - gForge, like gBorg, includes the
ability to browse the CVS repository using a "WebCVS" client).  In
effect, the pgFoundry software would be unaware of the existence of
the SVN repository.

In any case, it seems to me we should start thinking about planning
migration to pgFoundry.  

- There is already stuff there; I think Devrim is stowing .rpm files

- I think I started configuring the bug tracker; what to add warrants
  some discussion, and what to do about managing the switchover warrants

  It seems to me this could work via taking all still-open items and
  migrating them, one by one, to pgFoundry, and then marking them
  closed at gBorg, with reference to the new ticket...

- We could open mailing lists there at any time; how transparent we'd
  want to make that transition is an open question...  It would be
  possible to automatically migrate all users over; I think that would
  mandate announcing it well ahead of time...

- Copying CVS over would need to take place at a well-announced point
  in time.

There may be other things I'm not thinking of; that's why this is a
Request For Comments :-).
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
"How should I know if it  works?  That's what beta testers are for.  I
only  coded  it."   (Attributed  to  Linus Torvalds,  somewhere  in  a

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