Michael Crozier crozierm
Wed Feb 1 22:16:03 PST 2006

I'm curious why the maximum size of the sync_group array in remote_worker.c is 
only 100 events.  It seems odd and unpractical that slon doesn't obey the 
"-g" option.  I had to recompile slon today with an increased size in order 
to get slony to "catch up" after event processing was halted due to my 
"post-merge re-replication" problem.

I increased the size of the array and the corresponding if statement 
conditions to 2000.  While this is obviously a very large amount of data, the 
slon daemons didn't inflate  due to the incremental fetches from the cursor.  
Instead, this reduced the number of index/table scans over sl_log_1 by 20x 
with only a 2x time penalty.  Slony changed from falling behind at a dramatic 
rate to catching up on 3 million transactions in only a few hours.


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