John Sidney-Woollett johnsw
Thu Apr 13 02:06:45 PDT 2006
I just added a new table to a slony relication set. The new table seems 
to have a really high tab_reloid value of 94,198,669

I'm using Slon 1.1.5 with pg 7.4.6 and 7.4.11 on unix

On the master I see (wcprogallery is the new table added to set 4)

  tab_id|tab_reloid|tab_relname |tab_nspname|tab_set|tab_idxname
    4005|     18284|wccustomer  |customer   |      4|wccustomer_pkey
    4035|     18858|wcrecommend |customer   |      4|wcrecommend_pkey
    4036|  94198669|wcprogallery|customer   |      4|wcprogallery_pkey

On the slave I see

  tab_id|tab_reloid|tab_relname |tab_nspname|tab_set|tab_idxname
    4005|   1671239|wccustomer  |customer   |      4|wccustomer_pkey
    4035|   1671608|wcrecommend |customer   |      4|wcrecommend_pkey
    4036|   5741203|wcprogallery|customer   |      4|wcprogallery_pkey

Is this something I should be worried about? Can I find out where all 
the intermediate OIDs have gone?

I have around 70 tables and about 200 pgplsql functions in the database.


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