Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Fri Sep 16 19:56:32 PDT 2005
Robert Ngo wrote:

> Hi,
> I have installed postgresql 7.4.8 from source and then install slony
> on both master and slave node. i follow the example given in
> i run pgbench and start slon on both side to start the replication,
> there is error at the slavenode
> ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: "delete from only public.history where
> "_Slony-I_slony_example_rowID"='1000000000005001';delete from only
> public.history where
> "_Slony-I_slony_example_rowID"='1000000000005002';delete from only
> public.history where
> "_Slony-I_slony_example_rowID"='1000000000005003';delete from only
> public.history where
> "_Slony-I_slony_example_rowID"='1000000000005004';delete from only
> public.history where
> "_Slony-I_slony_example_rowID"='1000000000005005';delete from only
> public.history where
> "_Slony-I_slony_example_rowID"='1000000000005006';delete from only
> public.history where
> "_Slony-I_slony_example_rowID"='1000000000005007';delete from only
> public.history where
> "_Slony-I_slony_example_rowID"='1000000000005008';delete from only
> public.history where
> "_Slony-I_slony_example_rowID"='1000000000005009';delete from only
> public.history where
> "_Slony-I_slony_example_rowID"='1000000000005010';" ERROR:  Slony-I:
> logTrigger() called in non-client session
> - qualification was: where log_origin = 1 and (  (
> log_tableid in (4,3,2,1)
>    and (log_xid < '22068')
>    and (log_xid >= '10910')
> ) )
> ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: helper 1 finished with error
> ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: SYNC aborted
> why slony have problem with removing the old record?

This is a case that shouldn't happen.

Take a look at the schema for table public.history on both nodes.

What you *should* see looks like the following:

On the origin:

/* cbbrowne@[local]/dba2 slony_test1=*/ \d history
                                         Table "public.history"
      Column       |            Type             |                     
 tid               | integer                     |
 bid               | integer                     |
 aid               | integer                     |
 delta             | integer                     |
 mtime             | timestamp without time zone |
 filler            | character(22)               |
 _Slony-I_T1_rowID | bigint                      | not null default
    "history__Slony-I_T1_rowID_key" UNIQUE, btree ("_Slony-I_T1_rowID")
    "_T1_logtrigger_4" AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON history FOR
EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "_T1".logtrigger('_T1', '4', 'vvvvvvk')

Then, switching to a subscriber...
/* cbbrowne@[local]/dba2 slony_test1=*/ \c slony_test2
You are now connected to database "slony_test2".
/* cbbrowne@[local]/dba2 slony_test2=*/ \d history
                                         Table "public.history"
      Column       |            Type             |                     
 tid               | integer                     |
 bid               | integer                     |
 aid               | integer                     |
 delta             | integer                     |
 mtime             | timestamp without time zone |
 filler            | character(22)               |
 _Slony-I_T1_rowID | bigint                      | not null default
    "history__Slony-I_T1_rowID_key" UNIQUE, btree ("_Slony-I_T1_rowID")
    "_T1_denyaccess_4" BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON history FOR
EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "_T1".denyaccess('_T1')

What is evidently happening is that there is a logtrigger() on a
subscriber, which oughtn't be the case.

The only way I can think of for this to happen would be if you had a
table where you tried to share it between two clusters, and so the table
had both sorts of triggers attached to it...

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