Philip Warner pjw
Tue Sep 13 13:59:59 PDT 2005
Another posterity-piece (and because I seem to like talking to myself);
the story is not all over if the slon daemon on the master was stopped
prematurely (in our case 4 days prior to the crash). Since it is
responsible for writing periodic SYNC records to the sl_event table,
they will all be missing.

The, I hope final, step in this process is to work out which sl_log_1
records have not got corresponsing sl_event records, then write sl_event
records for them on the master (and make really sure that the
sl_event_seq sequence is set to a value greater than the last restore
sl_event record).

If you forget this last step then not all your sl_log_1 records will be
processed by the slave. And you can't use the helpfully named
"" since that uses GetLastXid (or somesuch name) to get
the most recent XID on the master -- but we're running is a new
database, so the XID will be different (most likely smaller).

My advice to anyone with a smaller database than ours is toconsider
using the query suggested by Alan hodgson:

        CASE WHEN sl.log_cmdtype = 'I' THEN 
                'INSERT INTO ' || st.tab_nspname || '.' || st.tab_relname || ' ' || sl.log_cmddata

            WHEN sl.log_cmdtype = 'U' THEN 
                'UPDATE ' || st.tab_nspname || '.' || st.tab_relname || ' SET ' || sl.log_cmddata

            WHEN sl.log_cmdtype = 'D' THEN 
                'DELETE FROM ' || st.tab_nspname || '.' || st.tab_relname || ' WHERE ' || sl.log_cmddata
        END || ';' 
        sl_log_1 sl 
        JOIN sl_table st ON (sl.log_tableid=st.tab_id)
    ORDER BY sl.log_actionseq; our case we had 5GB of logs, and wanted slony to break up the load.

I hope this is of use to noone. And I really hope it's my last addendum!

>>Jan Wieck wrote:
>>>I would create a similar setup on test systems. Just identical schema,
>>>no data. Stop both slon's once the subscribe is complete. data-only
>>>dump and resture the current master into the test-slave. Data-only
>>>dump and restore the test-masters slony tables sl_event and sl_log_1
>>>with the contents from your dump (the partial one from the old
>>>master). Now hack sl_confirm and sl_setsync on the test-slave so that
>>>it matches the desired first SYNC to pick up and start the test-slave
>>>slon process with the file-log-shipping option. 
>For posterity (and anyone else who ends up in my particular hell) you
>also need to make sure that the sl_table.tab_id matches the original
>tab_id from the event table (which won't be the case unless your slony
>scripts survived or are generated in a standard way that works across db
>instances); if necessary you can load the sl_table table from the old
>db, but it will have the wrong tab_reloid. So you then run:
>    update sl_table set tab_reloid = c.oid from pg_class c, pg_namespace
>n where
>        c.relname = sl_table.tab_relname and n.nspname = tab_nspname and
>n.oid = c.relnamespace;
>to make sure they get the right reloid. And you probably need to do this
>on both master and slave (not sure -- certainly slave).
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