Chris Burtenshaw cburtenshaw
Wed Oct 26 14:34:18 PDT 2005

I've spent some time looking at this, and I'm wondering if it's a bug in
how slony handles tables with foreign keys that require an added
primarykey (using table add key).

Basically, I have a table with two fields, midstindex and alertindex
(both bigint) which I want to replicate.  Alertindex is a foreign key on
another table.

For various reasons I can't add a unique constraint on the table to use
as a key, so I've added in a slony index for testing purposes (using
table add key).  However, it appears that if either database is not
"fresh" i.e has previously had a slony instance on it that has been
uninstalled and replaced, I get the following error (there is no data in
either my master or slave copies of the involved tables, but there is
stuff in other tables):
2005-10-21 10:51:03 BST ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: "select
"_mirror_test".truncateTable('"public"."alertindexes"'); copy
rror_test_rowID") from stdin; " ERROR:  syntax error at or near "." at
character 128
 ERROR:  syntax error at or near "." at character 128

If I remove slony from my master and slave, dump the data to a file
using pg_dump, drop the databases and start from scratch, set up slony
to replicate the databases and put the data back in, it works fine. -

I've had a look at the FAQs etc, and I've not come across this issue
before, but its entirely possible that I've missed something...

Thanks in advance all,

Chris Burtenshaw
QinetiQ Malvern
cburtenshaw at

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